<h1 class="entry-title">Category: Quarterly Investment Strategy</h1>
01 Jul

Q3 Investment Strategy & Outlook 2024

Global Investment Climate – Key Points Macroeconomic uncertainties and surprises mark the quarter Slowdown scenario replaces recession risks Further easing of inflation and interest rates likely Temporary decoupling of monetary policies A more favourable half-year for equities Positive outlook for financial assets UAE Investment Climate – Key Points Real GDP expanded by 4.3% in Q1 […]

01 May

Q2 Investment Strategy & Outlook 2024

Global Investment Climate – Key Points A positive first quarter for most asset classes Inflation and growth statistics play spoilsport Inflation gradually falls into line Between US growth and European recession A new monetary policy paradigm for 2024 Environment still favorable for financial assets in Q2 UAE Investment Climate – Key Points Real GDP forecasts […]

15 Jan

Q1 Investment Strategy & Outlook 2024

Global Investment Climate – Key Points A highly volatile but ultimately positive 2023 Radical change in stock market climate in Q4 The notable deceleration in inflation heralds a refreshed positive perspective An economic slowdown remains the central scenario New monetary policy paradigm for 2024 More favorable environment for financial assets UAE Investment Climate – Key […]

23 Oct

Q4 Investment Strategy & Outlook 2023

Global Investment Climate – Key Points US bond market under triple influence Rather reassuring trend in economic parameters Inflation regime improving US monetary policy too restrictive End of quarter marked by irrational rate hikes More favorable outlook for year-end UAE Investment Climate – Key Points Real GDP growth is forecasted to slow to 3.3% in […]

03 Jul

Q3 Investment Strategy & Outlook 2023

Global Investment Climate – Key Points Macroeconomic and political risks diminish Positive surprises on the inflation front Monetary policies increasingly decorrelated Hesitations in fixed-income markets Return of risk-on in equity markets Relatively favourable conditions for financial assets UAE Investment Climate – Key Points UAE’s Hydrocarbons GDP Contracts, while Non-Oil Sectors Thrive on Consumer Demand and […]

01 Apr

Q2 Investment Strategy & Outlook 2023

Global Investment Climate – Key Points Waltzing economic scenarios punctuated by waves of uncertainty Banking crisis and threats to the stability of the financial system New paradigm for the evolution of monetary policies A generally positive first quarter for stocks and bonds Phasing out of the main risk factors by 2022 Relatively favourable conditions for […]

01 Jan

Q1 Investment Strategy & Outlook 2023

Global Investment Climate – Key Points The last quarter of 2022 is finally a little more optimistic Inflationary risks gradually decrease Aggressive monetary policies expected to ease in 2023 Weak but positive growth prospects in 2023 More favourable environment for the evolution of interest rates Positive outlook for financial assets UAE Investment Climate – Key […]

26 Oct

Q4 Investment Strategy & Outlook 2022

Global Investment Climate – Key Points Fed’s hawkish speech stops investor optimism dead in its tracks Abrupt and rapid adjustment of rate curves Historical correlation of asset classes in the decline Risk diversification through commodities The decline in inflation is not yet convincing enough Investors stunned by volatility UAE Investment Climate – Key Points UAE […]

28 Sep

Q3 Investment Strategy & Outlook 2022

Global Investment Climate – Key Points Geopolitics continues to influence the markets Inflationary slippage turned all expectations upside down Recession fears take over at the end of the quarter More restrictive monetary conditions are already having a noticeable impact A particularly volatile end to the quarter for financial assets  After a dramatic first half of […]

27 Apr

Q2 Investment Strategy & Outlook 2022

Global Investment Climate - Key Points The geopolitical crisis is disrupting economic forecasts and risk assessments Ballooning inflation seems inevitable and poses a major threat to global growth Central banks are not keeping inflation under control, which could lead to a “hard landing” Yield curve adjustments are already contributing to monetary tightening Bond and equity [...]